Southern Italy Tour – 2019


April 2019

Vesuvius dominates the Bay of Naples

Welcome to the next Grand Tourist experience in Italy. This small group tour will run from 16-22 April, 2019

Bookings are now open for this tour which will be a very small group of 6-8 people. This is an opportunity to discover the beauty and history of Naples and the region of Campania.

INTRODUCTION – As you land at Naples Airport, look out of the window of the aeroplane, you will see Vesuvius the mountain and volcano that dominates the Bay of Naples. It is a spectacular and dramatic backdrop. In Roman times the Bay of Naples was a seaside destination for wealthy families. They built their summer houses here. John Paul Getty used the plan of the Villa dei Papiri at Herculaneum, near Naples, as the model for his famous Getty Museum in Malibu, California.

This is a region that has inspired generations. On this tour we will discover the highlights of the Campania region – our tour will include Naples, Pompeii, Vesuvius and Herculaneum. We’ll discover the back streets of historic Naples including the ‘crazy’ old town, with its narrow, cobbled streets and historic buildings. We’ll visit the port and waterfront. Our driver will take us up the slopes of Vesuvius, the volcanic mountain, for incredible views. There is also the opportunity to walk up to the crater (a fairly easy 40 minutes walk).

When Vesuvius erupted in AD 79 the towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum were buried in many feet of volcanic debris, ash, stones and rock. These towns have been excavated over the last two hundred years and provide an incredible opportunity to discover life as it would have been in Roman times. An expert guide will show us around both incredible sites.

Herculaneum, Roman seaside town, buried by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD

We will visit the vast Greek temples of Paestum, which are roughly contemporary with the Parthenon in Athens. Truly spectacular and brilliantly preserved. Here there is a collection of Greek and Roman tomb paintings that date from the 5th century before the birth of Christ. We will visit Salerno with its historic town centre and fascinating botanical gardens, one of Europe’s oldest. Did you know that in the 12th century the Medical School in Salerno was one of the finest in the Mediterranean? Medical doctors from the Middle East, Greece and Italy all worked together to extend the frontiers of medical knowledge. Greeks, Romans, Christians, Jews, Arabs – all working together. In fact several of the doctors here were women!

For fresh air enthusiasts enjoy a hike along the Amalfi Coastal Path.

You’ll be amazed by the quality of food and wine being produced in this part of Italy. We’ll sample mozzarella cheese, the finest in the world, produced from the milk of buffalo herds, reared in and around Campania.

WHAT’S INCLUDED: 7 days (6 nights) as follows:

  • Naples, Campania – 2 nights
  • Paestum, Campania – 2 nights
  • Amalfi and Sorrento Coastal area – 2 nights
  • 6 nights – hotel & guest house accommodation.
  • All hotels are clean and comfortable, independent and family-run.
  • Breakfast included daily.
  • Tour of Naples including the ‘crazy’ Old Naples area, port and waterfront
  • Drive up Vesuvius, the volcanic mountain, for incredible views.
  • Walk up to the crater (a fairly easy 40 minutes walk)
  • Visit Pompeii and Herculaneum, Roman towns buried by volcanic debris when Vesuvius erupted. An expert guide will show us around both incredible sites.
  • Tour of Salerno, including one of Europe’s oldest medical & botanical gardens
  • Visit the spectacular Greek temples at Paestum.
  • Mozzarella and wine tasting in the Paestum area. Meet the water buffalo!
  • Explore the Amalfi and Sorrento Coast line with an opportunity for a hike.
  • Transportation throughout in comfortable Mercedes Viano
  • 3 x Dinner included with typical dishes from Southern Italy
  • 1 x Pizza Supper night in Naples at my favourite pizzeria
  • Janet Simmonds – Tour guide to accompany the group & assist with all logistics

Prices – per person in a double room for single occupancy:

  • GBP £ 2500 — pp
  • US $ 3200 — pp
  • Euro € 2800 — pp
  • There is no single room supplement.
  • Please note – Flights are not included.
  • All breakfasts and 4 x dinners included.
  • Sicily / Amalfi Add-on – before or after the tour, can be arranged. Ask for details.
  • This trip is designed for guests who like to travel with an enquiring mind.
  • It is about off-the-beaten track visits and meeting the local people.
  • The itinerary is deliberately very flexible – so that we can accommodate really fascinating visits and give them more time.
  • No rushing from A to B.

Your guide: Janet Simmonds

I’ve been running unique and exceptional tours in Europe since the 1980s. I trained originally in Venice where I worked as a tour guide. Later I studied Geography at Oxford University. I am passionate about landscape, people, history and culture. I love introducing guests to the history, architecture, art and literature of a region. Later I went back to university and studied for a Master’s in History of Art – specializing in classical art and the art of Italy. I have run several specialist travel companies where I offer unique, tailor-made experiences to an international clientele. I also write a blog about my travels. I divide my time between England, France and Italy. I am a wife and mother with four grown up children. I speak French and Italian.

Do please check out my blog for numerous ‘Italian stories’…………….For further information contact Janet at Grand Tourist: +44 7590 990 160 or e-mail:

For more background on Southern Italy – check out the following articles that have appeared on my ‘Educated Traveller’ blog:


If you’d like to book:

  • Please phone or e-mail me to discuss your exact requirements.
  • I will then take a deposit of 50% of the trip cost.
  • Balance payment is due by 01 February, 2019
  • You can pay by bank transfer direct into our UK bank accoun
  • You can pay by debit card (no additional charge)
  • We also accept Pay Pal – very easy!

This is a unique and very special trip – I shall be taking a maximum of 8 guests. Don’t hesitate to give me a call to discuss the trip further. For the right people this is a truly unique experience. I’ll look forward to hearing from you,

Kind regards


This traditional pizzeria was renamed after a visit from President Clinton. It offers simple, delicious pizza at its best.
Bay of Naples, showing Napoli, Paestum, Sorrento, Amalfi
  • Happy Travels in 2018!!
  • Updated: 12-10-2018

5 thoughts on “Southern Italy Tour – 2019

  1. Hi, Janet

    Can’t you change the dates?!

    This sounds super – Amalfi – or, rather, Ravello – is one of our happy Hunting Grounds (I think I told you about our connection with the Hotel Palumbo/ Palazzo Confalone?) and we would have loved to take up a couple of places n the tour – but unfortunately, the 16th April is the date on which the Baroness is due to take up the reins in the PEHSG (post-Easter Hot Seat of Government). So I regret that we won’t be able to take up your exciting offer,

    I hope it goes as well as I am positive that it will, and look forward to reading about it in due course.

    In the meantime, congratulations too, bitte gratuliere Lucy on fur ihre Deutsche Geschichte – sehr interessant und gut-geschrieben- nur zu kurtz!!

    I hope you had a good cChristmas, and will look forward to being in touch again shortly.


    Sent from my iPad
    PS Hope you got my Jacquie Lawson Christmas card and letter?

    John Eaton
    Consultant Member, Private Client
    for and on behalf of Lupton Fawcett LLP

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