Discovering Venice

Venice is probably one of the most perfectly preserved historic cities in Europe, if not the world. Protected from roads and cars by the waters of the lagoon, this is a city where you take a boat or you walk.

Wandering the alleys and streets of Venice is a feast for the senses; shouting porters, fresh-baked pizza, the salty air of the sea, jostling crowds at Rialto, smoking students at Ca’Foscari. The smell of fresh paint at the Biennale. Life is here being lived in Venice as it has been for centuries.

They all walk the streets of this city, the great and the good, the wild and the free. Artists and poets, writers and actors, they pile into Venice year round, especially at film festival time. As Lorenzo Quinn, actor and sculptor said recently ‘everyone wants a piece of Venice’……

From the artisan shops in the back streets to the terraces of the Grand Canal, Venice is a vibrant, historic city, full of churches and art, shopping and craftsmen, residents and tourists all jostling for position.

Venice is unique, exquisite, multi-layered. It’s our job to visit, to notice, to appreciate, nothing else matters.

September 2022

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