Miele di barena – honey secrets and recipes from the Lagoon

From the pen of the thoughtful and intelligent Iris Loredana and her beautiful blog: La Venessiana. Iris introduces us to the treasures of Venice and the Venetian Lagoon through her eyes and the eyes of her grandmother Lina. Her dedication and joy in the beauty of the Veneto is a pleasure to absorb.

Today she offers us a considered and engaging read about the richness of the lagoon and the transhumance bee population who pollenate the blooms of the barene (salt marshes) during the summer months. Just delightful.


As Iris explains May is the month dedicated to bees and 20th May is World Bee Day – La Giornata Mondiale delle Api. So it is a perfect time to celebrate the important of the bee especially in the lagoon of Venice…

Here’s Iris’ charming article: Miele di barena – honey secrets and recipes from the Lagoon

Miele di barena – honey secrets and recipes from the Lagoon


  • The Lagoon of Venice is a wetland paradise that has protected Venice over the centuries. The lagoon also makes Venice and the local environment completely unique. It is our duty to protect and preserve this valuable wetland with every means available to us.
  • I’ve written numerous articles about the lagoon – a good starting point might be: Venice and the lagoon, a vast natural harbour…
  • Special thanks to Iris Loredana for a wonderful article!
  • 21st May 2021

Wetland views from the lagoon follow:

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