Cheshire cheese – The Educated TravellerTales from Italy, Alps, British Isles and FranceFri, 08 Jan 2021 13:55:23 +0000enhourly1 cheese – The Educated Traveller3232Christmas and New Year in Cheshire/2021/01/08/christmas-and-new-year-in-cheshire//2021/01/08/christmas-and-new-year-in-cheshire/#commentsFri, 08 Jan 2021 13:40:00 +0000/?p=22773/2021/01/08/christmas-and-new-year-in-cheshire/feed/10A snowy morning in Cheshire - photo by Lucy Simmondspalladio1234Cheshire Cat by John Tenniel - the cat sits on the branch of a treeThe Mad Hatter shares his wisdom with those that will listenA family scene at the cottage - 3 generations