skopelos – The Educated TravellerTales from Italy, Alps, British Isles and FranceWed, 31 May 2023 10:04:40 +0000enhourly1 – The Educated Traveller3232Greece – a journey from Athens to Thessalonika/2023/05/31/greece-a-journey-from-athens-to-thessalonika//2023/05/31/greece-a-journey-from-athens-to-thessalonika/#respondWed, 31 May 2023 10:10:00 +0000/?p=30857/2023/05/31/greece-a-journey-from-athens-to-thessalonika/feed/0Skopelos, Greece - from the waterpalladio1234The Metropolitan Museum in New York hosted a Fortuny exhibition in 2016, here are some of the Delphos gownsGreece – discovering legends/2023/01/24/greece-discovering-legends//2023/01/24/greece-discovering-legends/#commentsTue, 24 Jan 2023 13:02:00 +0000/?p=30241/2023/01/24/greece-discovering-legends/feed/4The Acropolis of Athenspalladio1234Greece - the blue sky, the blue and white flag...Vasilicos - wine tasting tour of Greece featuring delicious wines and perfectly paired tasting dishesThe Acropolis of AthensDelphi, Greece - the stadiumDelphi - offerings decorate the hillsideGreece - the blue sky, the blue and white flag...The wine regions of Greece - map by Wine FollyVasilicos Luxury Boutique Hotel, SantoriniSantorini - Vasilicos Boutique Hotel