Lorenzo Quinn in Venice

Lorenzo Quinn’s amazing hand sculptures create a roof of ‘friendship’ above one of the docks by Venice’s Historic Shipyard, known as The Arsenale.

Lorenzo Quinn’s ‘Building Bridges’ at Arsenale, Venezia

Following the success of Le Mani ‘The Hands’ at the 2017 Biennale, Lorenzo Quinn is back in Venice for the 2019 Biennale with ‘Building Bridges’. This time however his famous hands are located beyond The Arsenale. It’s a long walk or boat ride for visitors from Piazzale Roma or the train station to the part of Venice known as Castello, where the hands are strategically positioned above a former dry dock.

Is it worth the journey? Yes, in my opinion it is – the hands represent empathy, unity, kindness and collaboration. The title of the work ‘Building Bridges’ is important in this confrontational world that we live in. It is an invitation to respect our fellow global citizens, to focus on similarity rather than difference. For me the sculpture is a necessary message to all of us, to respect and honour those around us, regardless of race or religion.

This morning when I visited, the whole area was a building site, as numerous people scurried about putting the finishing touches to Venice’s ‘Salone Nautica’ Boat Show, which runs from today until the weekend 18-23 June, 2019.

The boat show features a range of impossibly expensive boats available to purchase if you have a spare million or two. There is also a series of exhibits in the recently renovated warehouses, the one that caught my eye was a simple display of traditional wooden hulled Venetian boats, including the famous gondola!

Definitely worth a look!

For more articles on Lorenzo Quinn type his name into the search bar of my blog: www.greyhoundtrainers.com

OR why not investigate my others articles at:

18th June, 2019

Although Mr Quinn is definitely right – the canal next to Museo Storico Navale would have been a much better location!

Updated: 23-10-2019


9 thoughts on “Lorenzo Quinn in Venice

  1. AMAZING !!!!!!
    Desperate to see these hands in Venice, I made the aforementioned LONG WALK from the Train Station to the Arsenal, but in vain.
    So far I’d seen only a photo and a passing glimpse from a vaporetto ferry boat.
    My grandaughter, however, a whiz at technology, got us there on the correct vaporetto stopping at the upper Arsenal stop, from which we walked and luckily saw these magnificent hands. (UP CLOSE/ NO VISITORS ? ).
    That was the best ending to my 3-week stay there in Venice. (my fourth visit ).

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi Janet,
        “pretty good” is not sufficient praise for Lorenzo Quinn. Excellent.
        Notice the lines and wrinkles ! So realistic.
        Seeing these was the peak of my 3-week stay in Venice, my 4th visit to Venezia !

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Liz – yes it’s very powerful. Each of the hands is modelled on a family member or friend of Quinn’s including himself, wife, son, mother-in-law. It’s all about working together and celebrating our relationships with our fellow humans! Important stuff!


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