Venice – Accademia Art Gallery

Venice is an exceptional city. A unique blend of land and sea, marooned in the waters of the lagoon. A city of breath-taking art and architecture. A city of more than 140 churches, at least 500 palaces and literally tens of thousands of portraits, landscapes, paintings, sculptures and other art works.

The Accademia Art Gallery houses a selection of some of Venice’s finest works. The recently refurbished galleries are a treat for the eyes. Fresh, clean and easy to enjoy. The galleries are spacious and not over-crowded. Exceptional works of art are given space and distance from their neighbours. This enables the visitor to appreciate and enjoy each piece of art. I’d strongly recommend a visit. 

Possibly my favourite ‘Annunciation’ what a way to arrive with the news! Annunciation by Veronese – great use of colour and perspective. The vibrancy of angel & detailed architectural elements – a delight. 1550s.
The arrival of St Mark’s body in Venice, by the great master Tintoretto. Ethereal imaginary painting. Ghostly in its construction, souls fleeing from the square?!
Titian’s Tobias and the Angel reminded me immediately of Salley Vickers novel of the same name. Beautifully painted, light & movement. Trust and joy.


Carpaccio’s command of crowd scenes in quite exceptional, exotic head wear is the order of the day.
Giorgione’s The Tempest’ is a masterpiece of colour, mood & composition. c. 1506
Miracle of the relics of the cross – Rialto, Venezia – Carpaccio 1494
Miracle of relics of cross – painting of Rialto – Carpaccio 1494
Miracle of relics of the cross – painting of Rialto – Carpaccio 1494
Accademia – official description, Miracolo della reliquia della Croce al Ponte Rialto. Just note the year – 1494 – quite amazing.
Carpaccio – Miracolo Rialto – detail 1494 – typical Venetian roof tops with unique chimneys
The Dream of St Ursula – Accademia, Venezia – artist Carpaccio
Miracle of the relics of the cross at Ponte San Lorenzo – Bellini c.1500
Gentile BELLINI – details of Miracolo al Ponte San Lorenzo, 1500

Next time you have an hour or so to spare in Venice pop into the Accademia – you won’t be disappointed. The quality of the art is quite literally mozzafiato (breath-taking). The level of detail in the paintings, especially those of Carpaccio and Bellini is a feast for the eyes. Whilst the richness of colour and texture of Veronese and Titian’s work, given that both were painting in the late 15th and early 16th century, means that these paintings are more than five hundred years old.

To give you an appreciation of the times these painters were working in here are their dates. Bellini and Carpaccio were mostly active in the 15th century. Whilst Titian, Tintoretto and Veronese were 16th century. When you think that Columbus was making his voyage westwards to ‘discover’ the New World in 1492 that gives some context for the age of these amazing paintings. 

  • BELLINI Gentile – 1429-1507
  • CARPACCIO Vittorio – 1465-1526 (approx)
  • TITIAN Tiziano Vecelli – 1490-1576
  • TINTORETTO Jacopo – 1518-1594
  • VERONESE Paolo – 1528-1588

I’m going to have to close with a painting by Veronese, an allegorical version of the Battle of Lepanto. This battle took place in the eastern Mediterranean in 1571, although the Venetians, with their allies managed to win the battle, it really marked the end of Venetian dominance of the region. Here’s Veronese’s imagined version of events:

Veronese – The Battle of Lepanto in 1571 was billed as a great victory for the Venetians, who of course had Christianity on their side. In fact it marked the end of Venetian dominance of the eastern Mediterranean.


  • To discover more about Venice’s unique artistic style – why not investigate: Orientalism in Venetian Art
  • Whilst Venice, the city as a whole is a magnificent and unique work of art, with exceptional architecture, design and appearance, it is well worth paying a visit to the Gallerie dell’Accademia where a truly exceptional collection of art awaits you – The Accademia, Venice


Updated: 10-01-2020