Venice – A Morning Walk…

There’s a cold, glacial snap in the air as the wind whistles across the lagoon. Time to zip up your winter coat; gloves, hat, scarf, useful too.

Then there’s the sky, brutal blue, polished, hard, relentless. As the sun rises a modest droplet of heat remains; builds, radiates and it’s time to walk, energise, observe….

This is Venice, a city marooned between land and sea. A city forever anchored in the 15th century and yet, at the same time, surprisingly contemporary. A city of Shylock and Casanova, Byron and Browning, Fitzgerald, Hemingway and Guggenheim.

In just a few weeks the Biennale opens. A modern art festival drawing creativity and originality from all corners of the globe. Why not join me in Venice, this Biennale year. Prepare to be impressed and inspired, humbled even, in the presence of greatness.

To discover Venice and all of Italy investigate either:

Moody sky over Punta Dogana

An exceptional journey awaits…

March 2022

2 thoughts on “Venice – A Morning Walk…

  1. Thanks for taking me along on your early morning walk in your favorite city. It’s like I’m right there with you. And your beautiful photos–wow!

    Liked by 1 person

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