Comments on: A Celebration of Life…..Tales from Italy, Alps, British Isles and FranceSat, 29 May 2021 14:16:35 +0000hourly1 How can slow tourism work in Venice?/educated-traveller-a-celebration-of-life/comment-page-1/#comment-25555Sat, 29 May 2021 14:16:35 +0000/?page_id=228#comment-25555[…] Discover more about Janet and her company here on The Educated Traveller. […]

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By: Sheikh Yamani/educated-traveller-a-celebration-of-life/comment-page-1/#comment-643Sun, 10 Jan 2016 15:35:39 +0000/?page_id=228#comment-643In reply to Janet Simmonds.

Thanks for this – and backatcha!
Hope you got the clip of the cricket match, yesterdayt, OK??!!!


By: Janet Simmonds/educated-traveller-a-celebration-of-life/comment-page-1/#comment-642Sun, 10 Jan 2016 15:21:50 +0000/?page_id=228#comment-642In reply to John Eaton.

Happy New Year to my favourite Bingley resident!!


By: John Eaton/educated-traveller-a-celebration-of-life/comment-page-1/#comment-641Sun, 10 Jan 2016 14:50:30 +0000/?page_id=228#comment-641In reply to Harlan Brown.

I agree – well said, Harlan!


(Sent from my iPad)


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By: Janet Simmonds/educated-traveller-a-celebration-of-life/comment-page-1/#comment-640Sun, 10 Jan 2016 13:53:18 +0000/?page_id=228#comment-640In reply to Harlan Brown.

Thank you Harlan – I’m glad you liked my writing. I’ve run a travel business all my life. We learn so much from travelling and observing. Over the years I’ve realised that the majority of people are kind, honest and full of integrity. The human spirit is a wonderful thing. Thank you for showing your appreciation.


By: Harlan Brown/educated-traveller-a-celebration-of-life/comment-page-1/#comment-639Sat, 09 Jan 2016 03:27:44 +0000/?page_id=228#comment-639How fun! It’s wonderful to read about someone who revels in the serendipity of the traveling experience. Thank you for your well written blogs. I look forward to reading more.


By: Janet Simmonds/educated-traveller-a-celebration-of-life/comment-page-1/#comment-518Mon, 09 Nov 2015 11:08:50 +0000/?page_id=228#comment-518In reply to John Eaton.

Thank you John for your kind and considered comments. Much appreciated.


By: John Eaton/educated-traveller-a-celebration-of-life/comment-page-1/#comment-517Sat, 07 Nov 2015 12:38:19 +0000/?page_id=228#comment-517Hi, Janet
I can’t believe that it is 4 years since we enjoyed that idyllic week which you arranged for us (and even joined us for part of the week) at the fantastic Hotel i Tre Baroni in Arrezzo. Italy is a country we love, not least because it offers everything- particularly your three estimable motivations of “people, place, and journey” in abundance – plus the other two you didn’t mention – culture and food (or, in order of importance to Margaret, food and culture!). (For any new readers of Janet’s Blogs, I can’t recomend either the author or her recommenations too highly!)
Having read with interest and anticipation your statement that Villa Cordevigo is “the best hotel I’ve stayed in”, I can’t wait to share that experience. If it is as good as (or better than – surely impossible) i Tre baroni, then guests at Villa Cordevigo are on for a real treat.
Om a totally different note, having throughly enjoyed the rest of your blogs, at the risk of lowering the tone substantially, your quotation of the first four lines of Edward Thomas’s “Adlestrop” did have a certain limerickian (?) quality, which therefore reminded me of my favourite Limerick, which will provide a suitable light-hearted note on which to end this posting:
“There was a young Poet from Peru
Whose limericks always stopped at line two…”

Well done, on this Website, Janet – to which I am pleased to award my much-coveted,highly sought-after and rarely-achieved Triple “E” Grade: Excellent, Erudite and Entertaining.
Keep up the good work, and full power to your elbow, hands, legs, and whatever other parts of your anatomy are brought into use in producing such a readable and fabulous Blog!


By: palladio1234/educated-traveller-a-celebration-of-life/comment-page-1/#comment-189Thu, 23 Apr 2015 12:23:52 +0000/?page_id=228#comment-189In reply to Jules Brown.

Morning Jules – I’m in Chicago. I read your blog about Sicily and loved it. So Mediterranean and so typical. I left a comment on Veronica’s site but I’m not sure you’ll see that.The post office incident brought back many memories to me of places like Athens, Cairo and Istanbul. I’m assuming that when you were at the PO it was boiling hot, completely airless and you had sweat trickling down your spine. You will have been the only person in the place struggling with the heat…….although of course you may have been as cool as a cucumber.The joys of a Yorkshire man abroad!

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By: palladio1234/educated-traveller-a-celebration-of-life/comment-page-1/#comment-174Tue, 07 Apr 2015 18:24:00 +0000/?page_id=228#comment-174In reply to Jules Brown.

Thank you so much – you made me laugh. You’ve got a great open style – love it!

