Florence and Chianti in style

A fabulous few days in the Chianti countryside – brilliantly organised by Giulio Stix and Anna Bink of Belmond Hotels

Greyhound Trails Travel

Every so often an envelope arrives in the post that stops me in my tracks. It might be an unexpected wedding invitation, a cute note from my daughter or even a parking fine. About a month or so ago I received a very smart, crisp white envelope from Belmond Hotels, inside was an invitation to join them on a driving trip from Florence to Portofino. The chance to drive classic cars and super cars on the roads and hills of Tuscany and the opportunity to visit the marble quarries at Carrara – what a wonderful invitation. I’d also get to experience the luxury Belmond hotels of Villa San Michele at Fiesole, just outside Florence and the fabulous Hotel Splendido at Portofino. I read and re-read the invitation and quickly wrote an acceptance e-mail. What a great way to start my day!

Now a month or so later I’m being driven…

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