It’s Carnival in Venice

Carnival has come early this year. Yesterday, 28th January, 2024 a huge procession of boats, a veritable flotilla, made its way from Cannaregio down the Grand Canal to Punta Dogana. A giant rat (made of papier mache) heads up the regatta and when it arrives at the Rialto Bridge it explodes in a cloud of confetti, balloons and coloured smoke. The story is that the ‘giant rat’ sums up the reality of living in Venice for the ordinary people, far away from the palaces and splendour of St Mark’s Square and the Grand Canal. Those cats in every campo were there for a reason.

Note: Photos from Luigi Brugnaro, Mayor of Venice – 28th Jan, 2024

For more on Carnival or Carnevale (as it is called in italian): Venice at Carnival Time

Carnival Character details and photos taken by me in recent years:

Venice at Carnival time – especially in the late afternoon and early evening – is a thing of beauty to behold. The detail in these costumes is quite exceptional. Carnival visitors spend months preparing their costumes.

Colourful, dynamic, a great way to spring into the Carnival season….

  • #educatedtraveller
  • #grandtourist
  • #carnevale
  • #venezia

February 2024

3 thoughts on “It’s Carnival in Venice

  1. MOST impressive! Many thanks for that, Janet, it was just like being there (and a lot less expensive!) A superb Video – and a worthy supplement to the really interesting article included in your link. Thank you very much for all those! I had never realised the etymological derivation of the word “Carnival” – of course! – and was pleased to add that titbit to my linguistic discoveries!
    With thanks and congratulations again from your no.1 fan!


  2. Thanks and congratulations again, Janet – although I must confess to a slight degree of disappointment that you didn’t (or perhaps weren’t able to?!) include a video clip of the Ratto che esplode?!
    Nevertheless, I remain a totally devoted reader…..!


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